Eucalyptus botryoides
Southern mahogany - DS treatment
Fast growing with red, durable, attractive timber. Warm areas, okay in saline winds and poor draining soils.
$25.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus sideroxylon
Rosea mugga ironbark - S3 treatment
Red mugga ironbark. Extremely durable timber, cold and drought hardy. Good flowering species.
$25.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus saligna
Sydney blue gum - DS treatment
Amberley Seed Orchard. Fast growing tall species with red attractive timber. Warmer areas, prefers free draining moist soils. Coppices well.
$25.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus regnans
Mountain ash - S4 treatment
Large timber tree showing excellent disease resistance. Cold tolerant.
$30.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus quadrangulata
White-topped box - DS treatment
Fast growing durable timber for warmer areas, likes moist heavy soil. NZDFI royalty applies.
$30.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus pilularis
Black butt - DS treatment
Fast growing durable timber for warmer areas, requires free draining soil
$15.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus ovata
Swamp gum - S6 treatment
Tolerates wet, swampy conditions. Good shelter and firewood species. Coppices well.
$30.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus obliqua
Messmate stringybark - S4 treatment
High quality timber. Tall tree. Cold and frost tolerant. Pure seed.
$20.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus nitens
Shining gum - S6 treatment
Amberley Seed Orchard - Seed collected from our own progeny tested Amberley seed orchard which has been thinned to improve the genetic quality of the seed. Available only as pure seed.
$30.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus nitens
Shining gum - S6 treatment
North Canterbury Seedling Seed Stand
$15.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus nicholii
Small leaf peppermint - DS treatment
Fine juvenile foliage. Popular, smallish tree. Excellent in floral arrangements. Hardy to frost and to drought.
$25.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus muelleriana
Yellow stringybark - S3 treatment
Farm Forestry seedlot. Excellent growth and form. Fast growing stringybark suited to warmer areas with free draining soils. Durable timber.
$25.00 per 25 gm
Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
Red stringybark - DS treatment
Frost and drought hardy stringybark.
$20.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus leucoxylon
Winter flowering gum - S3 treatment
Striking flowers. Flower colour varies on different trees from white to deep red. Excellent nectar producer.
$25.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus gunnii
Cider gum - S8 treatment
Silver-blue juvenile foliage. Extremely cold hardy. White flowers.
$20.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus globulus
Blue gum - DS treatment
Pure seed. Rapid early growth. Superb coppicer.
$25.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus globoidea
White stringybark - DS treatment
"Glenbervie" - Farm Forestry seedlot. The original seed source was Glenbervie Forest. Progeny have a reputation as the best globoidea in New Zealand. Reasonably fast growing with pale and moderately durable wood. Globoidea will grow on a wide range of soils including sand, gravelly loams and clays. It can survive periods of drought and frosts.
$30.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus fraxinoides
White ash - S2 treatment
Pure seed. Excellent, fast-growing tree of good form for well-drained moist sites.
$15.00 per 1000 seeds
Corymbia ficifolia
Scarlet flowering gum - DS treatment
Pure seed. Ideal small/medium tree for warmer areas. Large, showy flowers range in colour from pink to deep crimson Dec-Feb with occasional bursts of bloom at other times.
$40.00 per 500 seeds
Eucalyptus fastigata
Brown barrel - S4 treatment
Orchard seed. Healthy, fast growing, timber tree with attractive, shimmering foliage. Pure seed.
$40.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus delegatensis
Alpine ash - S12 treatment
Large timber tree. Very hardy and cold tolerant. Pure seed
$20.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus cordata
Heart-leaved silver gum - DS treatment
White bark. Glaucous leaves. White flowers August to September. Small to medium sized tree. Hardy. Pure seed.
$25.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
Sugar gum - DS treatment
Hard, heavy, strong, durable timber. Frost tender
$40.00 per 1000 seeds
Corymbia citriodora
Lemon scented gum - DS treatment
Tall tree with smooth silvery-white bark. The long leaves are lemon scented. Citronella oil is distilled from the foliage. White flowers. Pure seed.
$25.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus cinerea
Silver dollar gum - DS treatment
Attractive ornamental tree with twisted stem, furrowed bark and rounded silver juvenile leaves. Fast growing. Requires well drained soil. Juvenile leave sought after by florists.
$30.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus bosistoana
Coast grey box - DS treatment
Class I durable timber, this attractive tree likes moist soils but is fairly drought and frost hardy. In early years will require form pruning. NZDFI royalty applies. Pure seed.
$30.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus fastigata
Brown barrel - S4 treatment
Healthy, fast growing timber tree with attractive, shimmering foliage.
$30.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus macarthurii
Camden woollybutt - DS treatment
Bark rough, fibrous and greyish-brown on lower trunk and major branches, smooth and grey above, peeling in ribbons. A broad, heavyset tree with a dense crown. White flowers. Pure seed.
$20.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Red river gum - DS treatment
White flowers September to October. Smooth white bark and durable dense red timber. Drought resistant. Pure seed.
$25.00 per 1000 seeds