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Halocarpus biformis
Yellow or Pink Pine - S8 - 12 treatment
Common names: Yellow or Pink Pine.
$30.00 per 10gms per unit
Pinus radiata
Monterey Pine - S3 treatment
P. radiata is versatile and fast-growing, suitable for a wide range of uses. Our "OP-PLUS" is Orchard seed from Clonal Seed Orchards at Amberley.
Call for Price: 03 314 8978
Pinus radiata
Monterey Pine - S3 treatment
Call for Price: 03 314 8978
Podocarpus laetus
Halls Totara - S4 treatment
Thin barked totara, long and broad with a very sharp, pungent leaf tip. Handsome specimen of hedge tree with very durable timber. needle like leaves are olive green with fresh growth being in a brighter shade
$30.00 per 10 gm
Fuscospora solandri
Black beech - S4 treatment
An attractive forest tree with black bark and dark green leaves.
$35.00 per 10 gm
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Red river gum - DS treatment
White flowers September to October. Smooth white bark and durable dense red timber. Drought resistant. Pure seed.
$25.00 per 1000 seeds
Fuscospora cliffortioides
Mountain beech - S4 treatment
Attractive medium sized tree, up to 12 metres tall. Will tolerate poorly drained and infertile sites.
$35.00 per 10 gm
Fuscospora fusca
Red beech - S4 treatment
A hardy evergreen which prefers a cool, moist, sheltered site. During the Winter the young trees have bright red foliage. A good timber tree with durable red timber.
$35.00 per 10 gm
Lophozonia menziesii
Silver beech - S4 treatment
A tall hardy evergreen with silver bark. Prefers cool, moist, sheltered sites and is susceptible to drought. an attractive tree with deep red timber.
$35.00 per 10 gm
Festuca glauca
Blue festuca - S4 treatment
Attractive dwarf ornamental grass. Compact with bright silver-blue foliage. Hardy.
$25.00 per 10 gm
Apodasmia similis
Oioi, jointed wire rush - S4 treatment
Grey-green reed. Dense upright plant. Suits costal wetlands and estuaries.
$25.00 per 10 gm
Callistemon viminalis
Weeping bottlebrush - DS treatment
A vigorous plant with large red flowers. Tolerates windy and dry conditions.
$30.00 per 10 gm
Eucalyptus macarthurii
Camden woollybutt - DS treatment
Bark rough, fibrous and greyish-brown on lower trunk and major branches, smooth and grey above, peeling in ribbons. A broad, heavyset tree with a dense crown. White flowers. Pure seed.
$20.00 per 1000 seeds
Eucalyptus fastigata
Brown barrel - S4 treatment
Healthy, fast growing timber tree with attractive, shimmering foliage.
$30.00 per 1000 seeds
Coprosma crassifolia
Mingimingi - S4 treatment
Bushy lowlands shrub, with white to yellow berries that attract birds.
$30.00 per 10 gm
Cortaderia richardii
South Island Toetoe - S4 treatment
Fast growing tussock 2-3 metres tall. Spectacular creamy white plumes with sharp-edged leaves. Good filler of low shelter species
$25.00 per 10 gm
Sophora tetraptera
Big leaf kowhai - HW treatment
Graceful tree to 14m. Has showy yellow flowers in spring that attract tuis and bellbirds.
$25.00 per 10 gm
Sophora prostrata
Kowhai - HW treatment
Prostrate growth habit up to 2m. Branchlets zig zag. Yellow to orange flowers. Found mainly in northern part of South Island and Banks Peninsula. Very hardy and drought tolerant.
$30.00 per 10 gm
Sophora microphylla
Small-leaf kowhai - HW treatment
Small tree with fern-like foliage. In spring the tree is covered with rich golden flowers that attract nectar loving birds. Withstands wet or dry soil. Hardy.
$25.00 per 10 gm
Sophora longicarinata
Small-leaf kowhai - HW treatment
Distinct, slender, graceful habit up 3.6m with very small leaflets and pale flowers. Should begin flowering within six to seven years.
$30.00 per 10gm
Schefflera digitata
Pate - S4 treatment
Beautiful, large, palmate leaves. Small yellowish green flowers borne in large drooping clusters Feb-Mar. Prefers shade, moist soil and moderate humidity.
$30.00 per 10 gm
Rhopalostylis sapida
Nikau - DS treatment
Medium sized palm with feather duster like groups of fronds to 3m long. Pink, branched inflorescences in summer followed by brick red drupes in autumn. Prefers warm, moist, shady conditions. Adds a tropical touch to landscaping.
$25.00 per 10 gm
Pseudowintera colorata
Peppertree, Horopito - S8 treatment
Yellow/green foliage blotched red, with brilliant red new shoots makes this a very pleasing shrub. The leaf undersides are greyish purple and crushed leaves are aromatic.
$30.00 per 10 gm
Pseudopanax lessonii
Houpara - S4-8 treatment
Quick growing tree with bold, glossy, digitate leaves. Withstands wind and exposed conditions well but is intolerant of heavy frosts. Excellent tub plant.
$25.00 per 10 gm
Pseudopanax laetus
North Island five-finger - S6-8 treatment
Outstanding, large, foliage shrub to 5x 5m. Glossy, palmate leaflets. Compound umbels of sweet scented flowers in winter.
$25.00 per 10 gm
Pseudopanax ferox
Savage lancewood - S4 treatment
Amazing landscape feature. Long juvenile leaves are dark brownish purple with coarse teeth and an orange midrib. Grows to 6m in cultivation. Tolerates wind, drought. Hardy.
$25.00 per 10 gm
Pseudopanax crassifolius
Lancewood, horoeka - S4 treatment
One of New Zealand's striking small trees. Long toothed leaves when young make this tree an outstanding landscape feature. Hardy, drought and wind resistant.
$25.00 per 10 gm
Pseudopanax arboreus
Five-finger, puahou - S4 treatment
Small tree having deep green, glossy leaves, each composed of 5-7 leaflets. Umbels of sweetly scented flowers are followed by small, purplish berries that appeal to birds. A very versatile plant.
$25.00 per 10 gm
Prumnopitys ferruginea
Miro - S8-12 treatment
aka Podocarpus ferrugineus. Slow growing. May reach 30m. Black trunk and dark green, yew-like leaves. Bright red, plum-like fruit.
$20.00 per 10 gm
Podocarpus totara
Totara - S4 treatment
Handsome specimen or hedge tree with very durable timber. Needle-like leaves are olive-green with fresh growth being a brighter shade. Attractive bark is reddish brown and peels in long thin strips. Hardy and will grow in any soil.
$30.00 per 10 gm