Pseudowintera colorata Yellow/green foliage blotched red, with brilliant red new shoots makes this a very pleasing shrub. T.. Product #: 1838 Regular price: $30.00 $30.00 Out Of Stock
Pseudowintera colorata
SKU: 1838

Pseudowintera colorata

Peppertree, Horopito

Availability: Out Of Stock

$30.00 per 10 gm

Peppertree or horopito. Yellow/green foliage blotched red, with brilliant red new shoots makes this a very pleasing shrub. The leaf undersides are greyish purple and crushed leaves are aromatic.

Product Attributes
Common Name Peppertree, Horopito
Latin Name Pseudowintera colorata
Treatment S8    Treatment Info
Unit 10 gm