Sequoia sempervirens A large evergreen tree which often reaches heights in excess of 100m in its natural habitat. It has .. Product #: 1529 Regular price: $125.00 $125.00 Out Of Stock
SKU: 1529

Sequoia sempervirens

Coast redwood

Availability: Out Of Stock

$125.00 per 25 gm

Coast redwood. A large evergreen tree which often reaches heights in excess of 100m in its natural habitat. It has a thick, reddish brown bark with deep furrows running the length of the stem. Foliage is dark green and needle-like and grows flat off the branches. The wood ha exceptionally straight grain, high dimensional stability and is resistant to warping.

Product Attributes
Common Name Coast redwood
Latin Name Sequoia sempervirens
Seed Per Kg 47,000
Treatment S4    Treatment Info
Unit 25 gm