Other Species

Alnus glutinosa

Black or common alder  -  S8 treatment
Alnus glutinosa

Tree 8 to 12m tall. Very slender with glutinous shoots. Dark green, deeply veined leaves. Cylindrical catkins.

$35.00 per 25 gm

Alnus rubra

Red alder  -  S8 treatment
Alnus rubra

Hardy, deciduous, fast growing tree with graceful, slightly pendulous branches. Narrow pyramidal form. Leaves dark green above and greyish beneath. Red buds burst into 10 to 15cm catkins in the spring.

$35.00 per 25 gm

Banksia integrifolia

Coastal banksia  -  DS treatment
Banksia integrifolia

Cream flowers in autumn and winter. Grows to 10m high and withstands salt laden winds. Attracts birds. Evergreen.

$30.00 per 25 gm

Betula pendula

Silver birch  -  S4-8 treatment
Betula pendula

Deciduous hardy tree with white bark and golden leaves in the autumn. Very graceful.

$25.00 per 25 gm

Callistemon citrinus

Crimson bottlebrush  -  DS treatment
Callistemon citrinus

Medium shrub. Masses of crimson red flowers in spring.

$25.00 per 10 gm

Calocedrus decurrens

Incense cedar  -  S4 treatment
Calocedrus decurrens

Ideal specimen tree with distinctive columnar form and dense fan like sprays of leaves.

$30.00 per 25 gm

Casuarina cunninghamiana

River she-oak  -  DS treatment
Casuarina cunninghamiana

Upright growing, tall tree grows well on river banks to prevent erosion. Conifer like appearance. Horticultural shelter.

$30.00 per 25 gm

Cedrus atlantica

Atlas cedar  -  S4 treatment
Cedrus atlantica

Majestic evergreen tree with broad conical form. May reach 15-30m or more.

$30.00 per 25 gm

Cedrus deodara

Deodar cedar  -  S3 treatment
Cedrus deodara

Indian cedar. Suited both as a specimen tree as well as shelter belts.

$25.00 per 25 gm

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Lawson cypress  -  S4 treatment
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

A shelter and timber tree with attractive pyramidal form.

$25.00 per 25 gm

Chamaecytisus palmensis

Tagasaste, tree lucerne  -  HW treatment
Chamaecytisus palmensis

Small, fast growing tree. Ideal nurse tree for natives. Excellent bird and bee fodder.

$30.00 per 25 gm

Cryptomeria japonica

Japanese cedar  -  S4 treatment
Cryptomeria japonica

Attractive conifer having pyramidal form with feathery foliage. Good timber and shelter tree.

$40.00 per 25 gm

Cupressus arizonica

Arizona cypress  -  S4-6 treatment
Cupressus arizonica

Grey foliage. Excellent for coastal situations and very hardy.

$25.00 per 25 gm

Cupressus lusitanica

Mexican cypress  -  S4-6 treatment
Cupressus lusitanica

"Gwavas - Amberley Seed Orchard. Purchasers must pay a royalty to support the Cypress Breeding Programme. See Cypresses tab under Species.

$40.00 per 25 gm

Cupressus macrocarpa

Monterey cypress  -  S4-6 treatment
Cupressus macrocarpa

Amberley Seed Orchard. Purchasers must pay a royalty to support cypress breeding. See Cypresses tab under Species.

$40.00 per 25 gm

Grevillea robusta

Silky oak  -  S4 treatment
Grevillea robusta

Large tree with handsome, fern-like leaves. A blaze of rich, golden orange blossoms are produced in early summer.

$45.00 per 10 gm

Callistemon viminalis

Weeping bottlebrush  -  DS treatment
Callistemon viminalis

A vigorous plant with large red flowers. Tolerates windy and dry conditions.

$30.00 per 10 gm

Halocarpus biformis

Yellow or Pink Pine  -  S8 - 12 treatment
Halocarpus biformis

Common names: Yellow or Pink Pine.

$30.00 per 10gms per unit