Radiata Pine
Acacia baileyana
Cootamundra or golden wattle - HW treatment
A fine garden shrub with feathery, silver blue foliage. Fluffy, golden-yellow flower balls appear during June and July.
$25.00 per 25 gm
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Douglas Fir - S5 treatment
Collected from stands established from Beaumont (Tramways) Seed Stand seed. Stands characterised by well formed trees with good straightness.
$750.00 per 1 kg
Pinus radiata
Monterey Pine - S3 treatment
P. radiata is versatile and fast-growing, Suitable for a wide range of uses. Our "Stand Select" is from selected stands planted in Kaingaroa Forest in the Central North Island.
Call for Price: 03 314 8978
Pinus radiata
Monterey Pine - S3 treatment
P. radiata is versatile and fast-growing, suitable for a wide range of uses. Our "OP-PLUS" is Orchard seed from Clonal Seed Orchards at Amberley.
Call for Price: 03 314 8978