Sequoiadendron giganteum A large evergreen tree growing to over 90m in its natural habitat. The trunk is often flared and but.. Product #: 1530 Regular price: $125.00 $125.00 In Stock
Sequoiadendron giganteum
SKU: 1530

Sequoiadendron giganteum

Sierra redwood

Availability: In Stock

$125.00 per 25 gm

Sierra redwood. A large evergreen tree growing to over 90m in its natural habitat. The trunk is often flared and buttressed at the base. Older trees have a soft and deeply fissured red-brown bark. Similar wood properties to coast redwood.

Product Attributes
Common Name Sierra redwood
Latin Name Sequoiadendron giganteum
Seed Per Kg 80,000-95,000
Treatment S4    Treatment Info
Unit 25 gm